75% of Homeowners Plan on Adding More Smart Technology to Their Home

75% of Homeowners Plan on Adding More Smart Technology to Their Home

Whilst advancements in technology might seem like a phrase reserved for driverless cars and artificial intelligence, the most common futuristic tools you are likely to come across are available as smart upgrades for your home.

The British public has a long-running love affair with the latest gadget set to revolutionise the way they work and play around the home, so it’s no surprise that a recent survey by energy provider E.ON found that the majority of British homeowners plan on introducing more smart technology into their homes.

73% of those asked stated they were hoping to invest in smart technology in the future. When asked to specify the type of smart technology they were interested in, participants cited solar panels and/or an electric battery storage system (44%), smart lighting (35%), a voice-controlled smart hub (20%) and a charging port for an electric car (13%).

The majority of those asked have stated that they have already taken steps to modernise their home, with 34% saying they planned to upgrade further. When it came to their motives, 59% stated that saving money was their reason for upgrading, 55% said they were looking to be more energy efficient and 38% stated they were looking to save time completing household tasks.

48% stated that smart technology made their lives easier, 13% claimed they were seeking to make their home more fun and 6% desired a more modern and better-looking home.

Whilst solar technology is the most desired upgrade, there are still a number of misconceptions that continue to influence people’s idea of the sector. 17% of those questioned mistakenly believed solar panels only function on sunny days, whilst a further 11% wrongly believed that solar panels do not work in cold weather.

Of those who have already installed panels, 65% said their home is more energy efficient and 30% said that the value of their property had increased. 41% said they would be more likely to buy a home if it had solar panels installed.

Head of commercial solutions at E.ON Gavin Stokes said, ‘It’s really heartening that three-quarters of households have already taken steps to make their homes smarter. But with a quarter of people saying they’re yet to take steps to make their homes more solutions savvy, there’s still much we can do to help people realise the benefits a smarter lifestyle can bring. Many of the people we spoke to are already aware of the benefits solar and battery systems can bring, from saving money to having a more energy efficient home to making homes more appealing to buyers,’ he added.